Kelp on the Menu

Kelp on the Menu

UMass Amherst Dining has partnered with Atlantic Sea Farms, a pioneering kelp company, to create a groundbreaking collaboration. Together, we are crafting a handbook that serves as a roadmap for other college dining programs eager to embrace the benefits of integrating kelp into their menus.

This sustainable alliance seeks to not only elevate the nutritional value of our meals but also contribute to the well-being of our planet. Kelp, with its rich nutrient profile and environmentally friendly cultivation, is a powerful ally in the quest for low carbon dining.

In this handbook, we share insights into sourcing, menu development, student engagement and marketing to creatively incorporate kelp into diverse dishes, ensuring that college dining programs nationwide can adopt this nutritious and sustainable ingredient. Our collaboration is a collective commitment to fostering a more sustainable and mindful approach to food service on campuses across the country.