Earth Day at UMass 

What is Earth Day? 

The first Earth Day was held on April 22, 1970, celebrating the achievements of the environmental movement and raising awareness for conservation efforts. Today, over a billion people celebrate Earth Day around the world. Many Earth-focused events are happening all week around campus, check them out here.  

What’s happening on Campus? 

On Friday, 4/26, from 12-4 pm, you can find the Earthday Extravaganza on Goodell Lawn. The event is a collaboration between many student groups, including Permaculture, Sunrise, SGA Sustainability, and Sustainable UMass. Stop by and see “over 100 vendors, student groups, campus organizations, community organizations, artisans, games, food, workshops, and more!” Buy food grown by the UMass farm, check out the smoothie bike, and bring your own reusable containers (this is a zero-waste event!). See the Schedule of events below: 

UMass GardenShare is hosting an Earth Day Celebration on Sunday, 4/2, from 12-3 pm. The day of volunteering will include painting, planting vegetables, and establishing an herb patch. There will be a campfire and smores, but Volunteers are also encouraged to bring snacks to share. 

The Center for Women and Community (CWC) is hosting Herbs, Greens, and Growth. Guests can make herbal sachets, press flowers, and propagate plants. This is a great opportunity to “learn about the benefits of various herbs, beautify your life, and get your hands dirty.” You can find them in the New Africa House room 203, from 10-2 pm all week.  

On April 22nd at 5:30, CEPA and the Food Justice Campaign are hosting “Food Justice: Changing Behavior, Policy and Consciousness.” The workshop is led by Dr. John Gerber and explores “the root causes of our failed food system, and what we can do about it.” The event is held in the Black Box Theater.