Pete and Gerrys

This week, we are featuring a farm that you might have heard of before. You can find Pete and Gerry’s Organic Eggs in grocery stores all across New England. 
That fact might make you pause; aren’t we supposed to be supporting small, family farms instead of commercial, large-scale growers? 
Actually, that’s exactly what we’re doing. Pete and Gerry’s is a collection of over thirty small farms that all utilize sustainable, humane practices. Working together, they are able to amass enough eggs to sell across New England. 
Speaking of humane practices, Pete and Gerry’s was the first egg producer in the United States to be Certified Humane by a nonprofit organization called Humane Farm Animal Care in 2003. You can be assured that the eggs you eat come from hens that are raised with compassion. 
Besides the Certified Humane label, Pete and Gerry’s is also certified organic which means that their hens are never treated with antibiotics and their feed doesn’t contain any chemical pesticides or GMOs. 
Despite being a collection of many small family farms, the owning family started their own small farm in Monroe, New Hampshire in the late 1800s. They are currently in their fourth generation of ownership with Jesse (pictured on the far right in the photo above). Someday, his children Piper and Brock could be the fifth generation! 
UMass Dining purchases all of its eggs from Pete and Gerry’s. In case you needed more motivation to get an omelet in one of the dining halls, keep in mind that the eggs come from a great source! 
Read more about their family business at