Mapleline Farm

Mapleline Farm in Hadley, MA. 

Mapleline Farm is a family owned and operated Jersey farm established in 1904 in Hadley, MA. They have 300 Jersey cows, who are brown instead of black and white, and produce rich, creamy milk that is higher in calcium, protein, and nonfat solids than traditional cow’s milk. As of September 2017, Franklin Dining Commons now serves 100% local milk from Mapleline Farm! This increase in purchasing allowed Mapleline to scale up their operations. Jennifer Zina, the farm owner’s daughter, shared that Mapleline started processing milk “three days a week instead of two to be able to provide UMass with what they needed and what is the best for the students.” 

John Krokski is the owner of Mapleline Farm, and grew up on his father’s farm, which had Holstein cows, the classic black and white cows. He bought a Jersey cow at a young age and fell in love with the unique breed. “He loved farming, being outside, and loved jerseys and kept buying more and more,” said his daughter Jennifer. Today, he is living his childhood dream of milking jerseys, processing their milk themselves, and selling it all locally to places like UMass. Jennifer returned to the family farm she grew up on five years ago. She works in the processing plant and is learning the ropes of the business to eventually be the successor with her brother-in-law. “We are working hard to learn as much as we can everyday to be able to run the business as well as my father,” Jennifer said. Chad Dizek, Jennifer’s brother-in-law, is the Farm Manager and is in charge of all the crops they grow on several hundred acres of land.  
Not only do they pasteurize and bottle all of their milk on the farm, Mapleline Farm grows all of the hay, corn, silage, and alfalfa that they feed their cows and only purchase grain from outside sources. 
Picture John Krokski, Owner of Mapleline Farm. 

Mapleline Farm’s beautiful and friendly Jersey cows. 

When Jennifer and her family moved back to the farm about five years ago, she “fell in love with the farm all over again because I was seeing it in my kids’ eyes. They are 14 and 10 and love being in Hadley and being able to walk across the street and be with the cows. I love that the farm is a piece of our family and our family’s history. My kids are the fifth generation to grow up on the farm and I think that is really special.” 

Mapleline Farm milk can be found at Harvest Market in the Campus Center, many other retail dining locations, and Franklin and Hampshire Dining Commons. Mapleline milk is also available through many local businesses and featured in delicious treats all around the Valley. Be sure to try their chocolate milk- it is the best around! 

Thanks so much to Jennifer Zina for speaking with us, and thank you to Mapleline Farm for your admirable dedication to the local community.